Home » Nation Celebrates George Mbarika’s Legacy At ICT University Special Event

Nation Celebrates George Mbarika’s Legacy At ICT University Special Event

by Atlantic Chronicles

A mammoth crowd gathered on October 20, 2024, to bid farewell and celebrate the life of the late Professor George Mbarika. This dedicated Professor spent his life ensuring his children and others could live successfully. This event honoured his remarkable life and legacy.

Professor Victor Mbarika, his illustrious son, who has proven to be the true son of his father delivered a heartfelt speech, saying, “My dad left a legacy that should endure for centuries. God kept him long enough to see the ICT University project stabilise, and I think we can all agree that he accomplished that mission.”

Prof Victor Mbarika described his father during the event as a bonafide architect of all the successes he has achieved today. He said “He was disciplined in helping the financial management of the Institution, ICT University. He set a base for continuity and more and more accomplishments.”


Nation Celebrates George Mbarika’s Legacy At ICT University Special Event

Prof Victor Mbarika added that the foundation he laid still has a lot of fruits to bear in the near future. He said “We have not yet even seen 10% of the fruits Dad’s legacy will bear and we are still to savour the benefits of his investments over the years”

Speaking about his personal relationship with his children, Prof Victor Mbarika attested that his father was there at all moments for his children to stand firm against the storms life had in stock for them. “He lived a good life and trained every one of his children both biological and extended kids on what it means to fear God and to be successful.”


With all these achievements of his Dad, Prof Victor Mbarika took a pledge to maintain the legacy of his father for as long as possible. He said “We will do our best to maintain his legacy by not letting anything he built fail. We are planning to invest 5 billion FCFA in the economy of Cameroon be it in the rural sector, local development, Education and many other domains.”

Taking the floor to describe the person George Mbarika, Pioneer Rector of the ICT University, Prof Sammy Bebah Chawbaw said he was an inspiration to many generations. He added that his seriousness and proficiency are admirable. He said ‘ He was an inspiration to us all because of his seriousness and Proficiency in all he did. He showed us what it means to live a life of ethics, effectiveness and quality living”.

Prof George Mbarika will be remembered for the entrepreneurial spirit he had and the fear of his creator God almighty. Prof George Mbarika lived a life that impacted in a very positive way all that was around.

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