Home » Afro-SFI Awards Prizes To Deserving Environmentally Conscious Fashion Designers

Afro-SFI Awards Prizes To Deserving Environmentally Conscious Fashion Designers

by Atlantic Chronicles

Fashion designers displaying awards received from Afro-SFI

By Andrew Nsoseka

It’s been two years since the creation of the Afro-Sustainable Fashion Initiative. The birth of this initiative marked the beginning of something new for local fashion designers in and out of Cameroon.

Afro-SFI was created with a goal to see into the growing need of environmental pollution caused by the fashion industry, given that this industry is the second most polluting industry after the petroleum industry. Afro-SFI has recorded a milestone, producing over 70 local designers under its wings who are actively taking part in ensuring that the environment is free from non-plastic waste fabrics. They have been able to achieve this goal by creating new designs from their waste fabrics, which has helped to save about 2,000 tons of waste plastic fabrics which otherwise would have been deposited into the environment. In addition to this, redesigning from their waste has also led to an increase in their source of income.

As a token of appreciation for all the efforts these designers have put into ensuring the safety of the environment they work in, and the human race, the Founder/CEO, Catherine Natang, with the support of Angola Doris, the Delegate of Arts of Culture in Buea, awarded these designers with electronic scissors and industrial irons to encourage them in the fight against environmental pollution. This award ceremony took place on August 23, 2024, at the premises of the Regional Delegation of Arts and Culture in Buea.

In her speech, the Delegate of Arts and Culture expressed sincere gratitude and awe at how much the initiative has grown and how much effort every one of these designers has put in for the safety of the environment. She attested that Catherine has and is still doing a wonderful job in this aspect and that such awards do not come except from hard work. She encouraged the designers and congratulated them for the sacrifices they have made.

Catherine Natang was overjoyed by the constant support given to her by the Delegate and the designers. She emphasised the value of hard work and sacrifice which is what has brought this initiative to this level.

“This award is just the beginning of something greater which is to come,” Natang said, furthering that she is very grateful.

She thanked the active members and encouraged them to keep up the good work and hoped that other members would do the same.

A good number of Afro-SFI members testified of how the initiative has helped them to become more efficient which has led to the growth of their businesses. They expressed gratitude to belong to such an initiative, which is bent on encouraging hard work and at the same time ensuring the safety of the environment. They were excited about their award and pledged their continuous support to the initiative.

To conclude the ceremony, the Delegate and her associates, Catherine Natang and Dr Maboh Michel awarded the designers their prizes as they hoped for more successful endeavours in the future.

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