Home » Social Affairs’ Minister Hails Etombi Foundation For Positively Impacting Lives Of Underprivileged Students

Social Affairs’ Minister Hails Etombi Foundation For Positively Impacting Lives Of Underprivileged Students

by Atlantic Chronicles

Social Affairs Minister, Pauline Irene Nguene 

By Njodzeka Danhatu

The Minister of Social Affairs, Pauline Irene Nguene has praised the Etombi Foundation for marching in line with the social policies of President Paul Biya by contributing positively to the future of Cameroonian Students.

Minister Pauline Irene Ngeune was talking on Friday, October 29, at Government High School, GHS Limbe.

This was as the Etombi Foundation awarded scholarships to some 100 students selected from schools in the Northwest and Southwest Regions for the 2021/2022 academic year.

The financial scholarships ranged from FCFA 35,000 to FCFA 90,000 depending on the classes and levels of the beneficiaries. Though, with some university students, mostly secondary schools students benefited.

These are mostly underprivileged and vulnerable students displaced by the Anglophone crisis but have demonstrated the zeal to learn despite the encumbrances. It was for this reason that the Etombi Foundation stepped in to pay their tuitions and examination registrations, for those in examination classes.

Looking at the gesture, Social Affairs’ Minister congratulated and expressed the gratitude of the government to the Etombi Foundation “for this action which falls in with the social policy of the of the President of the Republic”

She said in a social context characterised by frustration, misunderstanding, conflicts and barriers, the Head of State is inviting everyone to implement the inter-community dialogue, social inclusion and living together.

“The present award of the scholarships to the needy children and assistance to vulnerable members of the community is part of that presidential response. The well-being of all is indeed everyone’s concern. The same is true for the defence and protection of the rights of the most vulnerable” she added.

The Minister equally urged the recipients to work hard and be committed to always merit it.

“I, therefore, urge you to redouble your ardour at work, to be enduring in effort and diligent in school,” she said “be good kids at home and great students in at school”

The Minister, however, launched a call for more solidarity and social inclusion in favour of socially vulnerable children of Northwest and Southwest regions.

All these to Naomi Etombi, Chief Executive Officer of the Etombi Foundation are dreams come true.

Naomi Etombi, CEO of Etombi Foundation speaking during the award ceremony

As founder of the Foundation, she said “I started as a dream but we are touching thousands of lives now” According to her, the awards were mostly for internally displaced kids affected by the Anglophone crisis.

“We have to take care of our own, so we should not leave them behind,” she said adding that the foundation came through because of the value she placed in education.

“The Power of an educated mind in this 21st century cannot be overemphasised. And President Paul Biya wants to see Cameroon emerge by 2035. If we have to achieve emergence by 2035, the education of the youth is very important. We cannot build Cameroon without an educated population” she said.

After receiving the award of FCFA 70,000, Kingsley Kenah, an upper sixth student of GHS Limbe said it was a privilege and promised to work hard. “May God replenish your source” he thanked the foundation.

Lawlings Fukah, Form Five student of GBHS Mutengene after receiving FCFA 53,000 said it will go for her tuition while Vainda Mojoko, upper sixth student of GHS Bokwaongo in Buea said the FCFA 48,000 she received has already reduced the school fees burden on her parents.

The event was equally attended by the Senior Divisional Officer, SDO for Fako, Emmanuel Engamba, representative of the Limbe City Council Mayor among other top-ranking officials.

The Etombi Foundation is a non-profit organisation concerned with providing sustainable healthcare and education to the underprivileged in Cameroon. Its motto is: “reaching out to the needy and underprivileged”.


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