Home » The Coalition of Cameroon’s Opposition: A Call for True Leadership

The Coalition of Cameroon’s Opposition: A Call for True Leadership

by Atlantic Chronicles

In Cameroon, where a 42-year rule has stifled progress and democratic aspirations, the need for a united opposition is more critical than ever. If any party claims the mantle of leadership within this fragmented opposition, it must demonstrate that leadership through actionable commitment, not mere declarations. Declaring that you are the “leading opposition party” is not sufficient; What are you leading if you cannot actively work to unify the various factions that make up the opposition.

Leadership is not just about asserting dominance or boasting about one’s position. It is a responsibility that requires humility and a genuine desire to lead. As the leader you must take responsibility to bring the others together. You must be willing to collaborate, even with those who hold fundamentally different views. To call oneself the leader of the opposition while failing to engage other opposition leaders is to misunderstand the essence of leadership.

True leadership in this context means reaching out, fostering dialogue, and building a coalition that can effectively challenge the entrenched power of President Paul Biya. The opposition must present a united front, not only to amplify their voices and pull their limited resources together but to resonate with the cries of the Cameroonian people longing for change.

Cameroonians are crying out for change, yet the opposition leaders remain mired in ego and infighting. If the ultimate goal is to oust Biya, then the priorities must shift from individual agendas to a collective mission. Those claiming Leading Opposition rule must ask themselves: How can they claim to lead if they cannot rally others around a common cause?

It is time for opposition parties to move beyond rhetoric and take tangible steps toward unity. This means setting aside personal ambitions and embracing the difficult work of coalition-building. Genuine leaders must prioritize the nation’s needs over their own egos, recognizing that the fight against a long-standing dictatorship requires collaboration.

The challenge facing Cameroon’s opposition is not merely a political one; it is a moral imperative. If any party wishes to assert its leadership of the opposition, it must do so through actions that promote unity and foster collaboration. The time for posturing is over; the time for true leadership is now. Cameroonians are crying for change, and it is the responsibility of the opposition leaders to listen to their cries and respond with decisive action. Only then can they hope to challenge the status quo and create a brighter future for all.


Ndifor Richard

Politician and Civil Society Leader

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